"I have no experience with Oaxaca but assuming you'll be rolling with a guide mostly I'd expect that would be extremely safe "
Well apparently I need a guide to surf half the breaks on Oaxaca

... but if I visit the area for surf I'd anticipate half the time surfing I'd be seeking a guide or staying at a surf camp, and the other half I'd be solo. Seems Huatulco most of the surf there needs a guide, and less so if you go further east or west...
Michoacan I'd prolly be solo unless I can time it to meet up with my friend who has been visiting the area for many years; he never rents a car though and just stays in La Ticla, but is familiar with the area and has been shuttled to the other surf towns around there. I guess if I stick to the coast side of hwy 200, be respectful an fly a surf board on my vehicle it's pretty safe? ... Just don't go cruising inland on random roads, be an idiot or drive anywhere at night?
Lately in the news I've been reading some pretty brutal stories about the situation in Michoacan.