2021 Holiday weigh-in


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
You don't think that feeling better overall is beneficial to weight loss and maintenance.....
Yes, indirectly. You make better choices which keeps your caloric intake in check and allows you to be more active. Which are 100% valid and important, however it is not a metabolic mechanism in and of itself.

Otherwise you would probably carry less water weight if you are less bloated and eat "cleaner", which would qualify as "weight", but not the same as fat loss.
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Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
Am cat and lizard sitting for out of town neighbors.

They have a digital scale.

Just weighed myself at 4:30-ish PM....will be eating dinner in about an hour.

177.8 lbs or 80.82 kg

Will I gain or lose by end of holiday season, which is what, Hangover Recovery Day?

Will guess I am actually less come the morning or afternoon of 1/1/2022 when I can convince the neighbors to let me find out.

No idea, don't really care in a sense self-esteem kind of way, more care in a curious about pointless thing kind of way.

Any other takers?

Weighed myself at the neighbor's place* yesterday afternoon as I fed their cat (Lucy) and the girls' lizard (Hunter), before my dinner.

175.7 lbs or 79.86 kg. Down 2.1 pounds or about 1 kg.

I blame surfing a fair amount between posts.

* -they were visiting friends in Manhattan for NYE this time. Previously down LA way for Thanksgiving.
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Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
My lightest weight in about 20 years. Was losing weight and gaining muscle in the gym before I got Covid. Worked hard from September to Early December. Covid took another 12 off in two weeks. Just under 200 at 6'1 and looking a lot better than my cardio. My understanding from conversation with my doc is that the cardio can take 30 days. Funny thing is Covid and not being on the road for work for a few weeks really changed my eating habits for the positive. Hopefully that stays that way and the bad habits on the road don't come back.


Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
Lost the 10 I gained this fall, but a few have come back. I’m at 172. I had gotten as low as 165 and held that for about a year

Random Guy

Duke status
Jan 16, 2002
165 ish
down a few
i was up a few, but I can’t taste anything, so all the great tasting holiday meals and cookies have no power over me
still wish I could’ve tasted all of it


Phil Edwards status
Sep 17, 2012
10-15lbs lighter than sometime in Nov. I've never weighed myself while feeding a cat AND a lizard. Need to get in on that action asap:shaka:
  • Haha
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Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
165 ish
down a few
i was up a few, but I can’t taste anything, so all the great tasting holiday meals and cookies have no power over me
still wish I could’ve tasted all of it
Still can't taste anything? How long has it been?

10-15lbs lighter than sometime in Nov. I've never weighed myself while feeding a cat AND a lizard. Need to get in on that action asap:shaka:

Think you're funny, do ya, smart guy?:p

But suddenly, thinking of Ms. MacGreivey from 5th grade and how she would often write "awkward" on my English assignments, let me rewrite that....

"Weighed myself at the neighbor's place yesterday afternoon after I fed their cat (Lucy) and the girls' lizard (Hunter), and before my dinner.


Tom Curren status
Apr 11, 2006
Del Boca Vista, Phase III
I don't recall whether I weighed in this year, apologies, I usually do.

Before Thanksgiving I was 175-178.

Today I weighed 168. Two weeks ago I was 164. I'd like to be 165 always.

Not a lot of surfing for the last 5 weeks.

Intermittent fasting (wine excluded) 8pm-1pm.

4-6 days/week I ride my bike 10 minutes to the Culver Steps, walk up the steps and run down the trail twice, then ride bike home.

Sometimes I do push-ups at the top of the steps.

I'm lazy.
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Random Guy

Duke status
Jan 16, 2002
Still can't taste anything? How long has it been?
tonight it seems like it might be coming back a little
I could faintly smell the fish food when I was feeding my fish tonight. That stuff has a foul smell that I hadn’t been smelling at all
its been 2 weeks

im pretty much surrounded by freshly baked holiday treats and overly tasty dinners for the whole holiday season. I’m incredibly spoiled in that way.
Really missed out this year.

I still think it’s a total mindfuck, so at least that’s a little entertaining
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James -Bummer Jim-Devlin

Miki Dora status
Mar 1, 2004
kauai- excramento
and the phuckin weed, dude! :roflmao:

  • Toking
  • Poking
  • Blazing
  • Cheeching
  • Smoking trees
  • Mowing the grass
  • Biting one’s lips
  • Blasting

  • Blowing
  • Burning one down
  • Chasing
  • Firing one up
  • Going loco
  • Hitting the hay
  • Torching up
  • Getting the wind
  • Weed
  • Pot
  • Reefer
  • Grass
  • Dope
  • Ganja
  • Mary Jane
  • Hash
  • Herb
  • Aunt Mary
  • Skunk
  • Boom
  • Chronic
  • Cheeba
  • Blunt
  • Ashes
  • Atshitshi
  • Baby Bhang
  • Bammy
  • Blanket
  • Bo-Bo
  • Bobo Bush
  • Bomber
  • Boom
  • Broccoli
  • Cripple
  • Dagga
  • Dinkie Dow
  • Ding
  • Dona Juana (or Juanita)
  • Flower, Flower Tops
  • Ganja
  • Gasper
  • Giggle Smoke
  • Good Giggles
  • Good Butt
  • Hot Stick
  • Jay
  • Jolly Green
  • Joy Smoke, Joy Stick
  • Roach
  • =========WHAT?
basically lost interested when got my blue card,
where the fun in that??????