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  1. 2surf

    Election interferance thread

  2. 2surf


    I just had one and was diagnosed as having a Schatzki ring. Should I be eating baby food and drinking Ensure or should I just kill myself?
  3. 2surf

    FLOW BAR Invented by a surfer, for surfers

    Mister wonderful showing how it's done.
  4. 2surf

    Home protection device

    Non-lethal. Very scary
  5. 2surf

    Cardiff reef?

    Who’s considering starting an hourly shuttle service to the reef since the ocean reclaimed the parking lot?
  6. 2surf

    Could someone explain to me why this is not manipulating the system to suppress the vote?

    There are millions of Californians who would not publicly divulge to the state of California their party preference. If you threw this information guide that was in your mailbox away, good luck with that.
  7. 2surf

    Quit Surfing

    Are you tired of dealing with hemorrhoids? It's time to take action and put an end to the discomfort. Quit surfing
  8. 2surf

    I am looking to have a heat pump installed in my home

    Does anyone have one, and is it working out? I already have an excellent solar panel system that supplies all the free electrical power.
  9. 2surf

    Who is your favorite Secretary of State

    Hillary, Kerry, Pompeo, or Blinken? WHY?
  10. 2surf


    My wife got a 4 page survey from the ACLU today. As if you had not figured it out yet, the next election will not be about War, The Border, The Economy or the POTUS's age. It will be Abortion and LGBTQ rights. the shallowest of issues in the worst of times.
  11. 2surf

    Looks like the WSL hired a new head judge from Brazil

    I am pleased to inform you that I have been granted access to the latest version of the judging criteria, and I feel compelled to disseminate this information with you.
  12. 2surf


    Anuncio de servicio público para mis amigos. Y amigos. Mi hija acaba de grabar un comercial para Chispa, una aplicación de citas exclusivamente para latinos.
  13. 2surf


    Report: Striking Hollywood Workers Facing Evictions, Some Living in Their Cars How pleased are you all that we are going to have the opportunity to surf? Isn't it...
  14. 2surf

    The WSL has hired new head judge

    Un-biased and non-political.
  15. 2surf

    Did someone on Skid Row just win a billion dollars?

    california dreaming
  16. 2surf

    What’s it like living in West Hollywood near Fairfax high school?

    My Daughters moving there to be closer to work.