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  1. One-Off

    *** Official Palisades Fire Thread ***

    Yes. That has to do with population. but- Despite receiving the most federal funding dollar-wise, California was the second-least reliant state on a percentage basis, with 14.5% of revenue coming from the federal...
  2. One-Off

    Man- this Feb 13-14 Calif storm looks big

    This is my go to spot to look at big numbers-
  3. One-Off

    Sprinter vans

    OK so since we're talking about winter driving here I'll ask a stupid question- with an AWD car do you put chains on the front or back? I'll answer my own question- since the Sprinter AWD is full time back wheel drive (adds front wheels as needed), you'd put them on the back. Amirite? Also...
  4. One-Off

    Chronic Leg Cramps - fastest rehab?

    There are lots of people whose disc is on the nerve who have no pain.
  5. One-Off

    Sprinter vans

  6. One-Off

    Sprinter vans

    I got 30 mpg on a recent trip. Also, I was cruising 45mph on a flat section of PCH and the "current consumption" indicator was reading from 36 to 40. It's the thing that's most surprising to me about the van. It is also smooth and quiet (compared to my 85 Vanagon). The only time I was slightly...
  7. One-Off

    Chronic Leg Cramps - fastest rehab?

    Read. Listen to Dr. Von Meister. Buy a barbell. Do deadlifts, squats and lunges.
  8. One-Off

    Sprinter vans

    Nice. Did you buy it with the mods or have you been DIYing?
  9. One-Off

    ***Official Car Talk Thread***

    No one?
  10. One-Off

    Chronic Leg Cramps - fastest rehab?

    Graded exposure. So much of back pain has a neuro/psycho component that avoidance/fear has a negative effect (nocebo). Instead what I've learned is you want to expose yourself to the stimulus at low levels and then gradually work up. I remember my PT would find where it hurt (what movement...
  11. One-Off

    *** Official Surfing Photo Thread ***

    Wish my beach break looked like that.
  12. One-Off

    Any good YouTube videos that are interesting?

    Started watching all these commercial airline cockpit videos and came across this one. Now I can safely say I'm qualified to land a jet liner.
  13. One-Off

    ***Official Car Talk Thread***

    Anybody used snow socks? How long do they last?
  14. One-Off

    The best pizza?

    This video is pretty interesting. New York pizza in Japan.
  15. One-Off

    Any good YouTube videos that are interesting?

    She’s kind of like the Yin to Borat’s Yang.
  16. One-Off

    Chiefs or Eagles

    Did anybody notice that the Chief's started scoring after Trump left the stadium?
  17. One-Off

    Chiefs or Eagles

    Went for a hike. Don’t have any cable or streaming right now but am watching the game like this.:porcorn:
  18. One-Off

    The best pizza?