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  1. Rickoray

    Lack of crowds

    Bingo! Classic sliding this evening...
  2. Rickoray

    Lack of crowds

    Been scoring with light crowds in my zone... glassy evenings are the best... trunked it logging this evening... so fun!
  3. Rickoray

    "Accident at Half Dome" video - a grand exercise in stupid.

    So that is way past gnar... haven't been here for a few, forgot the comic gold here... "And the fat lady who almost slid off the side but was saved by her vagina?" :ROFLMAO:
  4. Rickoray

    post a pic of yourself surfing

    Punt into next week
  5. Rickoray

    I need a side boob

    jezzzz... its been a minute... Haven't thought about this in quite some time... Anyone remember this?
  6. Rickoray

    2023 erBB Fantasy Football

    Is it too late? Hahaha... I can't quit you guys... I am lost without erFF
  7. Rickoray

    2023 erBB Fantasy Football

    The link in this post won't allow me to join... missed the draft so I guess I am out!
  8. Rickoray

    2023 erBB Fantasy Football

    FFFF I was traveling and missed the message that there was a new link created... trying to join...
  9. Rickoray

    Watch out! Cyclist coming through

    Welcome to Dana Point!
  10. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    The End is near!
  11. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    Pavel board riders club
  12. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    The sister of the surf company brobra that tried to launch through the erBB and social media... someone remind me what the company name was...
  13. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

  14. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    Its STOCK not STOKE!
  15. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    My buddy Pete getting the interview while Jordy cries like a beach!
  16. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    JAH... I hope you are getting the help that you need!
  17. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    Pre party with Lulu at the XXL... the time the Foo Fighters played under the name Chevy Metal... Lulu had midterms the next day!
  18. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    These were strange dayz!
  19. Rickoray

    History / Memories of the erBB

    Yup... yours truly created this...