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  1. Your Moms Dildo

    Chiefs or Eagles

    Get Taylor Swift in that locker room to give those suns of bitches a perp talk.:ban:
  2. Your Moms Dildo

    I wonder how bad it will get in Mexico..

    Don't forget that hardball negotiation bidens team worked out with Russia. "We'll trade you the merchant of death for a dude that plays in the wnba".... :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  3. Your Moms Dildo

    Happy birthday jtourito!

    Happy birthday amigo! :cheers:
  4. Your Moms Dildo

    Fill ‘er up!

    Well, they better investigate themselves and let us know everything's accounted for. :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
  5. Your Moms Dildo

    The Random Photo Thread - The Sequel

    Looks like they got the memo and dropped all the Mexican flags. Butt still, fuck those people! :cursing:
  6. Your Moms Dildo

    *** Official Palisades Fire Thread ***

    Nothing to see here. :cursing:
  7. Your Moms Dildo

    US Visa - To renew or not renew... that is the question.

    Yeah, I'll never understand waving the flag of the horrible country, you're supposedly seeking asylum from...:socrazy:
  8. Your Moms Dildo

    Dry cracked skin ( jiggly gif included )

    I also use it when I pull a fingernail back and the nailbed is bleeding. Just glue the nail down and it'll never bother you again.:)
  9. Your Moms Dildo

    DAVID LYNCH ~ rip

    RIP DL. That dude's too weird for my me, in a really awkward wait for the no punchline kind of way.
  10. Your Moms Dildo

    Bob Uecker RIP

    The world was a better place with that dude in it. :( Thanks for all the laughs and RIP you hilarious son of a bitch.:cheers:
  11. Your Moms Dildo

    Monster Truck shows

    It's not just the noise man, you feel that sh!t in your guts, like a fucking erfquake.:bricks:
  12. Your Moms Dildo

    *** Official Palisades Fire Thread ***

    Don't give the government anymore tax ideas!......:cursing:
  13. Your Moms Dildo

    Dry cracked skin ( jiggly gif included )

    I get those on my feet and just use super glue. :shrug:
  14. Your Moms Dildo

    happy birthday rickoray!!!

    HBD, bud. :cheers:
  15. Your Moms Dildo

    I'm a moron! Need Hooded 5/4 Today!

    Pics, tell them Your Moms Dido demands it!
  16. Your Moms Dildo

    RIP - Mike Hynson

    RIP legend.:(
  17. Your Moms Dildo

    Unconditional Discharge

    Pants are always down I take it? :roflmao:
  18. Your Moms Dildo

    I'm not above groveling for Stab votes!

    I guess you guys post your good comments on stab. You should try to do that here sometime. :)