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  1. M

    Greg Griffin RIP

    I ordered a handful of boards from him and he was super stoked to work on refining them with me, the last Modfish 2 I had was really dialed, but for some reason he absolutely refused to make me a board with a felix tail or a hovercraft..he was adamant he would never make em for me, it was weird...
  2. M

    *** Official Lexus Pipe Pro Contest Thread ***

    in his post heat interview said he hadnt surfed in 5 weeks...hasnt the NS been firing?
  3. M

    What does the future look like for the WSL?

    When Ziff is ready to dump the WSL, I hope the Australian Government - specifically Tourism Australia buys it for pennies on the dollar....the Ozzies should be running this sh!t, the only country where pro surfing seems to matter. Sadly it will probably get bought by Monster energy and become...
  4. M

    What does the future look like for the WSL?

    Its all about the waves imo. If any event is pumping I tend to watch..Dream Tour was a great idea.
  5. M

    things we don’t do anymore

    go surf without checking the cams...
  6. M

    Stab EAST 2024 - Dave Rastovich

  7. M

    Edge Boards (Andreini/Greenough)

    A bunch of ellis edge boards out here and local shapers making em. Hard to tell if they dont work in our mediocre surf or only not decent surfers ride em.. never seen anyone do a turn on one in person.. just straight down the line.
  8. M

    New trend: paddlers yelling at people that are up and riding.

    Had a version of this happen last fall.. I was racing down the line towards an oncoming section - setup a drawn out bottom turn with the fantasy that I was going do some vert full archie bash and one of the goofy 30 year old children I surf with popped his head over the lip and hooted really...
  9. M

    Missing board found at Lido West

    whoever was surfing in Lido west today has lost more than a surfboard...
  10. M

    Catfight at Pipeline

    I will say this..MBP can actually surf, dont know him personally but we have pals in common and back when I used to frequent his neck of the woods shared a lineup with him a few times.
  11. M

    Best 3/2 4/3 suit for dudes with broad shoulders

    For barrel chest and broad shoulders no better fit than xcel in my book. No easy answer for getting out of chest zip suits thought...all of em require contortions in my experience. 6:48 for context
  12. M

    Your favorite 4/3

    How long ago was this? word was they fixed this in production last year but it would suck if it was still a problem
  13. M

    Your favorite 4/3

    bought a colby+ 4/3 for the early winter in the NE...apologies to everyone because it appears I jinxed the months of Nov and Dec with a godafwul flat spell. The wetsuit is still sitting in my home office, tags still on, unused. Guess I will have to wait til April for a review.
  14. M

    Big Swell For Hawaii and California

    watched the hags cam for a while...counted 50 guys or so out..every wave had at least 3 guys on it. Waves looked fun but the people littering the lineup made it almost impossible to Gonna text my pals who still surf nearby and get the scoop.
  15. M

    San Diego guys in hoods

    100% I have more mobility without a hood on. It takes us about 4 months for our water temps to go from the high 30's to the 70's and the first session without hood and mittens is like being released from prison. First session without boots is amazing, first session without a suit feels like...
  16. M

    San Diego guys in hoods

    I surfed in the snow today - air was low 30s, water mid 40's which is cold for this time of year. Was fine in the water, with the right gear surfing in these temps can be fun, the wind sucked but whatever - it was howling offshore. I was cold changing out of my suit - but thats on me for not...
  17. M

    when is it ok to tell someone you are gonna kill them?

    Gringos need their Jale
  18. M

    San Diego guys in hoods

    Watching the San Diego surfing post on reddit and almost every surfer in the lineup has a hood on but no gloves.. Surflie has water temps at 57-58 right now lol. If its not cold enough for gloves its not cold enough for a hood. I have to wear a hooded suit for 5 months out of the year and...
  19. M

    New Jersey drone invasion

    Its a pretty hilarious mass hysteria event...last night a helicopter was hovering fairly low over my nieghborhood for 10 minutes...I was on my stoop looking at it and my next door neighbor was freaking out about it being a drone despite the fact that you could see its a heli and the rotor noise...