Iron Neck 3.0 pro


Tom Curren status
Mar 5, 2012
Anyone try this thing?

Looks like it gets good reviews from people with the same kind of pain I have, but it's pretty expensive, so I thought I'd ask the erBB experts first.

Why I want it: I wake up every day with neck (and shoulder) pain. I know where it originates, but stretching does almost nothing to alleviate it.
The only thing that keeps me from unbearable pain daily is diversification of movement (switching up my activities)

I also had a cervical steriod injection a couple years ago. It relieved the immediate blinding pain, but did nothing to keep it from coming back.

Appreciate any feedback.

For your troubles.....

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Want to say that the duff man was using something like this? Thought I saw some sort of traction set up he had.

@Duffy LaCoronilla was that you?
Homemade traction device.

I strengthen the neck by using my head as a weight.

Lay on back, lift head off floor to neutral position (head will remain lifted throughout entire cycle)…

…20 reps each…

…tuck chin to chest and back neutral

…swivel to one side and back to neutral

…other side

….ear to shoulder and back to neutral

…other side

Rest. Repeat until you want to die.

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Anyone try this thing?

Looks like it gets good reviews from people with the same kind of pain I have, but it's pretty expensive, so I thought I'd ask the erBB experts first.

Why I want it: I wake up every day with neck (and shoulder) pain. I know where it originates, but stretching does almost nothing to alleviate it.
The only thing that keeps me from unbearable pain daily is diversification of movement (switching up my activities)

I also had a cervical steriod injection a couple years ago. It relieved the immediate blinding pain, but did nothing to keep it from coming back.

Appreciate any feedback.

For your troubles.....
I’ve heard good things.

See my neck routine above for a free alternative.

You will also benefit from a consistent regimen of traction. Make one of these…

I recommend using a rubber band - the kind for working out - instead of rope. Attach band to a railing or doorknob or whatever will hold it - at an angle - and place the towel around the back of you head as shown.

Slide away from anchor point to increase pull. Do whatever is comfortable for a few minutes, whatever you can. The most important thing is to do it often, 4-5 days a week.

I’ve discussed this here before but my neck is fucked up. I‘ve had several rounds of injections among other things. I do traction and strengthening consistently and have been able to remain extremely active without need for medical intervention for about 5-6 years now.

My neck still takes tremendous abuse almost daily.


Kelly Slater status
Oct 17, 2007
valley purgatory
Homemade traction device.

I strengthen the neck by using my head as a weight.

Lay on back, lift head off floor to neutral position (head will remain lifted throughout entire cycle)…

…20 reps each…

…tuck chin to chest and back neutral

…swivel to one side and back to neutral

…other side

….ear to shoulder and back to neutral

…other side

Rest. Repeat until you want to die.
I should probably start doing something like this.
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Staff member
Apr 1, 2005
I need to do some sh!t like this. My neck giving me all kinds of problems last few months. First time ever dealing with neck problems.


Gerry Lopez status
Dec 20, 2003
I was having major back issues last year my doc referred me to one of the best orthopedic groups here in San Diego. After a bunch of x-rays and MRI's was told no problems with my back. Really bad arthritis in my neck from paddling around with my head up for 40 years. This was putting stress on my spine and giving me phantom pain in my back. Was put on Celebrex which helps a lot and try to keep my head down when I paddle now.
Last edited:


Phil Edwards status
Feb 25, 2006
I have one. I love it. Over priced. I had made myself something with nylon webbing and bungee cord that did almost the same thing for a few bucks. But I was curious and I had the money. So I bought one.

Re the neck harness and weights. Be careful. I jacked my neck up with that setup in my early 30’s. Had a disc shaved at one point. Went through a LOT of pain. For years.

My neck X-rays as a mess. I have very little pain now. Ever.

Traction did nothing for me. Too far gone. Fuck the drugs. Make yourself stronger.


Miki Dora status
Jan 14, 2002
... Make yourself stronger.
This is good advice in general for all kinds of issues. It wasn't so clear till I got older and had to get back in shape, but also about not overdoing it because especial focus on rarely focused muscles I would go slow right out of the gate.
Maybe we get more ride reports huh? Greatly appreciate this part of the erBB experience. I wish relief upon thineselves and stuff.


Gerry Lopez status
Dec 20, 2003
I have one. I love it. Over priced. I had made myself something with nylon webbing and bungee cord that did almost the same thing for a few bucks. But I was curious and I had the money. So I bought one.

Re the neck harness and weights. Be careful. I jacked my neck up with that setup in my early 30’s. Had a disc shaved at one point. Went through a LOT of pain. For years.

My neck X-rays as a mess. I have very little pain now. Ever.

Traction did nothing for me. Too far gone. Fuck the drugs. Make yourself stronger.
Just want to say I only take the Celebrex if I'm really locked up. It's super bad for you in lots of ways. I have done a lot of PT as well and generally I am much less affected then I was a year ago. If I do lock up the Celebrex helps. Haven't needed it in the past six months and that is through cold water season. But as surfers I think we do stress our necks more than we think. In the x- rays I saw I had really depleted the upper vertebra in my neck. Pretty scary, they were comparing it to pro football players getting hit head on a bunch. Doing much better this year but could not surf for a lot of last year. I am 49.. If you are older and experiencing neck pain might be worth looking into.


Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
Anyone try this thing?

Looks like it gets good reviews from people with the same kind of pain I have, but it's pretty expensive, so I thought I'd ask the erBB experts first.

Why I want it: I wake up every day with neck (and shoulder) pain. I know where it originates, but stretching does almost nothing to alleviate it.
The only thing that keeps me from unbearable pain daily is diversification of movement (switching up my activities)

I also had a cervical steriod injection a couple years ago. It relieved the immediate blinding pain, but did nothing to keep it from coming back.

Appreciate any feedback.

For your troubles.....
Honestly, I think you're more likely to cause yourself more problems with that. In my mid-30s to early 40s I was tormented with neck issues from years of paddling or so I thought. Blamed it on surfing. Hindsight 20/20 the real issue was posture at work and driving. Stretches, changing posture, Chin tucks, core strengthening so that when I am surfing my chest is up off the board like it was when I was a kid. Problem solved.


Duke status
Feb 20, 2003
Research shows that multiple applications of ice directly over spinal joints is the most effective in relieving joint inflammation and spasms. Apply 20 minutes every hour, 6-8 times a day.

ibuprofen is good short term. but u dont wanna start using it more than around twice a week


OTF status
Apr 17, 2024
from far yet near
Homemade traction device.

I strengthen the neck by using my head as a weight.

Lay on back, lift head off floor to neutral position (head will remain lifted throughout entire cycle)…

…20 reps each…

…tuck chin to chest and back neutral

…swivel to one side and back to neutral

…other side

….ear to shoulder and back to neutral

…other side

Rest. Repeat until you want to die.
I use my heavy bag and while on fours head under bag I lift my neck up down equals one rep for a minute and half
Then I put my forehead on bag while on fours and push on bag for minute and half.


Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
Something that helped me a lot. Make a fist with your left hand and place it between your chin and top of your sternum. Place your right hand on the back of your head. Relax and gently pull your head foreword so you feel it decompressing your neck.