Recent content by Shrouded

  1. Shrouded

    The Craigslist Thread
  2. Shrouded

    He / She / It Seems Nice

    Cool part kinda like this.
  3. Shrouded

    Discrimination gets met with violence.

    Then that person needs to learn how to control themselves. Again, not rational adult behavior. Also, since when is this oppression? He wasn't forced to eat there. He wasn't forced to do anything. He chose not to get vaccinated and that is his choice. Remember how in school they used to ask for...
  4. Shrouded

    Discrimination gets met with violence.

    The restaurant was complying with the law. And if you disagree with this, you don't punch a minimum wage worker doing her job. You speak to the owner and behave like a rational adult.
  5. Shrouded

    JRE #1671
  6. Shrouded

    JRE #1671

  7. Shrouded

    Is it weird that these “once in a century” weather events happen every year now?

    Thanks for asking, here's my data! From Wikipedia. This is the global average, but it does include the temperature of the oceans as well. I found this data by doing a 12-second google search of '2000 year temperature change graph. Furthermore, I have data on rising sea levels that may have come...
  8. Shrouded

    Wtb grom board near Melbourne fl under or around 300 dollars

    Preferably it‘a a performance shortboard around 20-23 liters and 5’3-5’5.
  9. Shrouded

    The Craigslist Thread
  10. Shrouded

    Political Meme Thread

    And finally
  11. Shrouded

    Political Meme Thread

    And another
  12. Shrouded

    Political Meme Thread

    From reddit
  13. Shrouded

    Gulf Stream.......almost done?

    The hardest part about gloves is taking them off, especially when they're 5mm and above. Otherwise surfing in them is fine for the most part.
  14. Shrouded

    The Craigslist Thread
  15. Shrouded

    The Craigslist Thread