Recent content by drainer

  1. drainer

    Lake Mead water ... What will California do when it's gone??

    During a previous thread I asked about housing density and water supply. The reply was "Those who ask such questions are simpletons who can f*ck off...there are great water technologies solving this issue...but I don't know what those technologies are." Check it out:
  2. drainer

    Best TV Show Ever?

    Red Shoe Diaries HBO's Real Sex
  3. drainer

    How’s the stock market?

    How'd everyone do yesterday? I must admit, I sure know how to pick 'em.
  4. drainer

    ***Official Monkeypox Thread*** UPDATE: "We" failed to get on top of it!
  5. drainer

    Who had that Bitcoin target price prediction?

    I think when it drops below 20K your question will be answered.
  6. drainer

    ***Official Real Estate Thread***

    Neecha reference?
  7. drainer

    ***Official Real Estate Thread***

    This was my first thought as well. THIS
  8. drainer

    Mike Jones serious question - in Florida, in which grade is a teacher allowed to mention Monica Lewinski?

    What age is a teacher allowed to bring up the gang bang they attended over the weekend?
  9. drainer

    Griffin Surfboards

    you're driving from utah to san clem today? tonight? sheesh. that's a long drive.
  10. drainer

    Double Income, No Kids. Must Surf. Where would you live?

    awkward? u mean opportune.:sneaky:
  11. drainer

    Official get people back to the office thread.

    Another big oops is when commercial real estate collapses because no one is going in to the office anymore. Everyone who was happy they weren't going into the office will be wishing they had stayed going into the office. OOPS!
  12. drainer

    Who has been to Baja lately?

    20 mins for passholders
  13. drainer

    Official get people back to the office thread.

    It's healthy to be able to separate home from work.