Recent content by BloodshotAP

  1. BloodshotAP

    *** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***

    What was grapedrink saying about integrity and centrism in the NYT resignation thread? Or was that someone else in that thread? Is there no such thing as right and wrong anymore? Does it only depend on your perspective?
  2. BloodshotAP

    Trump Crime Family Still Grifting From the Taxpayers
  3. BloodshotAP

    Bari Weiss NYT Resignation Letter

    Yeah, that letter is pretty heavy. And pretty much spot-on.
  4. BloodshotAP

    *** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***

    where is rock bottom?
  5. BloodshotAP

    *** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***

    They were only trespassing/touristing
  6. BloodshotAP

    So it seems the Pentagon is confirming the presence of UFOs

    more like “seekers of alternative truths”. JJ has gone full Alex Jones crazy
  7. BloodshotAP

    Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election

    Meanwhile, a deeply concerning development: feds are investigating illegal contributions to Susan Collins‘ re-election campaign.
  8. BloodshotAP

    Kavanaugh is a hack

    Do you suppose god wants to heal cancer? Christians are commanded.....alcohol is good! A vision of crutches...... you partake of the dust of the ground I know some of you are frightened about it You can go to church....and you're naked..... And over the foul of the air....and fire. Of course...
  9. BloodshotAP

    *** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***

    save it for one of your other friends. or your many fans.
  10. BloodshotAP

    *** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***

    For what? Misdemeanor trespass?
  11. BloodshotAP

    *** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***

    Why are we still talking about this? Time to move on.
  12. BloodshotAP

    Why are democrats trying to stop an audit of the votes in Arizona?

    what’s with these guys and commentating from their pickup trucks? Are pickup trucks the last safe space for white American males?
  13. BloodshotAP

    Here's How You Know Democrats Rigged and Stole the 2020 Election

  14. BloodshotAP

    CDC set to ease indoor mask recommendations......

    and carrying guns in public