What kind of hummus are you eating?

Woke AF

Tom Curren status
Jul 29, 2009
Southern Tip, Norcal
On the news I keep hearing about hummus committing all these atrocities?

How bad can hummus get?
When it goes rancid or becomes infested with toxic elements, it can even kill babies.
This usually doesn't happen when it is treated with respect and cared for.
Just who's to blame at this point?

Random Guy

Duke status
Jan 16, 2002
Trader Joe’s used to have a good one that was kind of spicy.
but they discontinued it
like they discontinued a whole list of things I used to buy every 2 weeks until they discontinued

now I don’t really eat hummus

its nice having casa around again
always thought provoking stuff


Tom Curren status
Apr 11, 2006
Del Boca Vista, Phase III
Hummus is wicked easy to make at home bro.

During lockdown my wife set out to make the best hummus ever. She went through so many recipes. Finally, for the last attempt, she peeled the outer shell off every fucking garbanzo bean. I didn't think it was any better, flavor-wise. She was offended. I may have farted less after eating it, though. Can't remember, cuz of the vaccines.