

Miki Dora status
Oct 7, 2005
I really think if the Palestinians had their own state it wouldn't make them stop hating the Jews and wanting them dead.

That is part of the problem.

I have a feeling Russia is a hidden player in this mess.
I think it's pretty clear that they want Israel gone. "From the river to the sea" is a slogan over there, no?


Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
This reminds me of when dumb Americans support Russia.

To say Israeli citizens deserved to be killed by Hamas terrorists because of Israel policy is nutty.

Denouncing the terror attack doesn't mean you think Israel didn't do nothing wrong.

I think people like to say crazy sh!t online where they are safe.
A sign of a dumb American is one who picks any side in any international conflict that doest affect us

the proper response is indifference


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
I think it's pretty clear that they want Israel gone. "From the river to the sea" is a slogan over there, no?
Yes, and that is not going to bring out the best in your already traumatized Jew.

They are like two kids who can't sit next to each other.

It's basically a holy war.

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
do you see this as a plausible reality?
Not really, no.

And let’s be honest here. There is no real desire in world leadership and diplomatic circles to actually have peace in the ME. Thousands upon thousands of entire careers are made by continuing The Middle East Peace Process™️.

The threat to Israel is worth billions to defense contractors.

See? It’s a “process” it’s not task with and end goal.

But it’s the only way Israel can achieve peace. To vanquish their enemies totally.

“Eliminating” one enemy will only inflame tension with other enemies. Where does Israel stop? Let’s say they just take back the Gaza Strip and West Bank by force, what do you think the response would be from nations like Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, the Saudis, etc?
I didn’t “enemy”, I said “enemies”.
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Phil Edwards status
Oct 27, 2019
The nice thing about owning most of a continent with access to both main oceans means you can insulate yourselves from conflicts in shitholes.

The problem is, we’ve lost the agility to make these changes, and a massive part of our trade is tools of war
So ideally we wouldn't trade with any other country and would just live as a us centric nation (ignoring the countries that touch us as well)

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Why not give them Arizona?

That state is a sh!t hole full of dumb MAGA hill billies

The Jews would shape it right up
They took Brooklyn on the east coast and Hancock Park in LA on the west coast.

Following the lead of history we should put them in downtown Dearborn MI.