White people acting crazy at school board meetings....


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Charter Schools the racket funneling money to the Betsy DeVos ilk is hot doodoo confirmed.

Parents wanting their kids to attend school only with children of other involved parents where it's a classroom and not merely the institution before juvenile detention is a natural reaction to basic reality 4 years after the queefing of the foetus.
Sure, send your kids to private school.

No one is stopping you.

The school choice is more right wing show up at the trough for free stuff even though I hate poor people who get free stuff.

The right and the left will kill public ed but I don't know what will be in its place when they are gone.

There is a lot wrong with public ed for sure though.


Duke status
Jan 21, 2014
West of the Atlantic. East of the ICW.
You don't have to send your kid to public school.
What about the parents who can't afford private school under the current system? Why should they be trapped? Why shouldn't they be entitled to some or all of the money earmarked for their child to attend the public school, to take that money in the form of a voucher to attend an accredited private school?


Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
What about the parents who can't afford private school under the current system? Why should they be trapped? Why shouldn't they be entitled to some or all of the money earmarked for their child to attend the public school, to take that money in the form of a voucher to attend an accredited private school?
Why do you think the bad apple kids wouldn't use those same vouchers?


Duke status
Jun 25, 2008
Jams for surfin.

Had any of you youngsters started with the gear available before 1965 the vast majority would have found something else to entertain yourselves.

When I lived in San Clemente we’d surf early and hit Mountain High in the afternoon. No jeans.
Mtn High or "high as a mountain"...?


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
What about the parents who can't afford private school under the current system? Why should they be trapped? Why shouldn't they be entitled to some or all of the money earmarked for their child to attend the public school, to take that money in the form of a voucher to attend an accredited private school?
Since when do you care about poor people?


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Really, you just need a system for dealing with the trouble makers.

Restorative discipline does not work.

IT's just a way to put the blame on the teachers.

But that is who the admins can assert on.
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Duke status
Jun 25, 2008
I was typing the same thing. The costs would skyrocket.
it's a pipe dream....

there are only so many private schools....supply and demand curve will push costs even higher

the notion that new schools are going to spring up is pure fantasy

look at Los Angeles, for example - where will these new schools be built?! (vacant commercial real estate? where's recess going to be held?)

in the end, you're always going to find disagreement with something in the curriculum; there is no way to satisfy everyone's weird biases

the whole point of school is to teach you HOW to think, not WHAT to think...you develop the critical thinking skills to separate the wheat from the chaff.

furthermore, it's important for people to face uncomfortable and disagreeable view points in furtherance of the point above

public education is critical for society. we are seeing the negative affects now in the form of grown-ass adults who have the reasoning skills of a fkn cricket

my kids go to GREAT schools, because I pay for it in the form of high cost of living - you're not going to have great schools without paying the piper one way or the other
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Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
Yeah I want society as a whole to tell vast swaths of people just past the age of reason that the world has wholesale given up on them. A more permanent, far less employable chunk of humanity, with AI getting rapidly more advanced is just what the US needs!

I mean I'd rather have Peter Thiel and Elon Musk just send out drones to kill everyone over 18 who doesn't pay Federal Income Tax and sterilize the ones that do but have an IQ under X.


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
Because the private school can weed them out.
who are these "bad apples"?

where do they go once they're kicked out of the private school?

don't they have a constitutional right to an education?

how do we have private schools if we're using taxpayer money to give vouchers to parents sending kids to school?

as usual you have not thought this through


Duke status
Aug 20, 2010
SUP Nation
Jams for surfin.

Had any of you youngsters started with the gear available before 1965 the vast majority would have found something else to entertain yourselves.

When I lived in San Clemente we’d surf early and hit Mountain High in the afternoon. No jeans.
Pfffft. Newbie. Holiday Hill was it.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
The left wants to kill public ed?

Thats news to me.
Education leadership has been infiltrated by teacher hating psychopaths.

It really started with the Obamas.

They hate teachers. Especially Michelle.

Which seemed odd to me.

The left is going to kill education by overemphasizing identity politics and making the job undoable.

Overemphasising is the key word there.

They also can't do the difficult job of managing trouble makers. Their line now is there are no troublemakers. It's just the teacher's fault for not giving the student what he needs.

Trust me, there are such things as trouble makers.

I'm all for helping poor people get a leg up.

The people running education have lost sight of the mission.
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Duke status
Jan 11, 2002
The Bar
They and their voucher money go either to a different private school or back to the public school. This isn't rocket science.
So basically right back where you started again.

But you give every family $15,000 a year.

sniff, sniff, that smells like socialism. Maybe even communism! :roflmao:


Billy Hamilton status
Dec 21, 2009
So basically right back where you started again.

But you give every family $15,000 a year.

sniff, sniff, that smells like socialism. Maybe even communism! :roflmao:

I’d like to simply not pay the government state school tax. That’s not socialism.

I live in one of the “best” school districts in state/US and I still think it’s garbage with lots to be desired. The environment, culture, age appropriate tech use and direction are all wrong. It doesn’t take money to resolve, just a bit of careful thought and coordination.

So I pay one of the highest school taxes in the country, if not world and pay for NJ private school. Foooooook that but that’s my decision.

education starts at home with the parents first and a school complements second.


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
So basically right back where you started again.

But you give every family $15,000 a year.

sniff, sniff, that smells like socialism. Maybe even communism! :roflmao:
Where does this money come from? Sounds like wealth redistribution to me.

And who holds the schools accountable for teaching standards and measures of student success?

They and their voucher money go either to a different private school or back to the public school. This isn't rocket science.
I thought public schools were gone in your hypothetical world.

also, in your dream world, private schools become public schools because they're accepting public funding