*** Official Right wingers storm US Capitol Building Thread ***


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
Here come the conspiracy idiots
i love the way the whole January 6th investigation was organically crowd-sourced :cheers:
To the “Sedition Hunters” — the online sleuths who have spent the last 800+ days compiling and organizing open-source materials to help identify Jan. 6 rioters — Vargas was known as #PinkBeret. While the sleuths had aided in the cases against hundreds of Jan. 6 defendants and identified hundreds more Jan. 6 rioters who the FBI had not yet been arrested, Pink Beret remained elusive, despite being captured in a variety of videos and photos that day.

Online sleuths had mapped out Pink Beret’s day, and she seemed to be everywhere. There she was, captured in photos and videos taken at the initial breach of the police line, by the Peace Monument. There she was, on the front lines of the attack, on video cheering on as rioters tore apart a black fence so they could chuck the pieces at the police line. There she is, in photos and video, holding the door open for other rioters at one breach point, entering the building, then entering the building again from a second breach point. There she is inside as men in military gear chase police officers under a roll-down emergency door. There she is, smoking a cigar, on the east side of the Capitol. There she is, moving a large black bag from the pile of media equipment that rioters were hellbent on destroying. “Traitors get the f---ing rope,” someone yells repeatedly as rioters smash equipment and Pink Beret looks on in high heels.

They had attacked it from all angles, but no luck. One sleuth said he had searched for pink berets so much that he began to get targeted ads for the caps, including a pink one adorned with small white puffs.

That all changed last weekend when the sleuths saw the clothing designer’s tweet. They said they ran a facial recognition check, got a match, found more photos and found plenty of material to confirm the ID, including a post in which she appears to have sold a (slightly damaged) Dolce & Gabbana purse that looks like the one Pink Beret wore to the Capitol.


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois


Duke status
Apr 26, 2008
..But it was Rhodes’ creation and leadership of the Oath Keepers — which has been deemed to be a dangerous extremist group by civil rights watchdog organizations — that Rhodes’ lawyers say is the greatest mitigating factor against an extensive prison sentence and in favor of a downward variation in the recommended sentence range.
“If the history and character of a man is to be judged by what he creates and how that organization functions with and for the benefit of society, then it is imperative that the Court give great deference to Mr. Rhodes for the 12 years of service and dedication of the Oath Keepers,” the brief says, citing what it describes as the group’s “history of community involvement and volunteerism in times of natural disasters and civil unrest.”...
Stewart Rhodes wants time served for Jan. 6 Capitol plot (lawandcrime.com)

“Osama bin Laden may have been a terrorist leader but in his defence he did also found a successful international organisation which - even today, over a decade after his death - continues to provide opportunities for many young people around the world.”

Mr Doof

Duke status
Jan 23, 2002
San Francisco, CA
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