26. how many other non partakers out there?


Tom Curren status
Jul 28, 2005
33.8N - 118.4W
Non alcoholic beer has saved me from drinking. After a while you get used to it and it still satisfies your thirst. Still buy a bottle of red about once very two weeks. No smoke since I started running marathons 13 years ago.


Billy Hamilton status
Dec 31, 2008
26 is big. Happy Birthday!

No drinking for four years but was "California Sober" as they say.. For real sober about 2 years.

Swallow Tail

Billy Hamilton status
Oct 6, 2017
Your Mom’s House
I'm happy for you and all good with this sh!t, as long as you're not the preachy ex-addict type.

Sobriety is a religion of it's own..................... :crazy2:
That is not sobriety; that is something else - and that something else is a problem with many folks in religious and other institutions… I get It.

Theres a guy I’ve seen in the water for maybe 20 yrs, we typically end up chatting when we run in to each other. Super nice, down to earth dude. Good manners in the water etc but doesn’t put up w sh!t either. What I’d call a good example of a human being.…

Just recently learned that he was a Pastor from a mutual friend of mine. I was Like GTFO, he never ever says Anything that would let you know that - let alone get preachy. My Buddy said yep - that’s how he operates. Told my friend - that’s awesome, he is exactly how a pastor should be IMO - lead and live by example, and that’s it - that’s enough. holds true for everyone.


Duke status
May 9, 2006
your mom
Congratulations, B5. What was it that convinced you in 1996 to take control of your life? Where would you be if continued those destructive activities?
dead. no doubt about it. i was a garbage pail variety. whatever there was, i did it or drank it, until it was gone. i was always in the er, the back of a cop car, or running wild through the streets. my ex told me, "sober up or never see me or your son again." i listened. my son is now 27. got a 22 year old daughter. best decision i ever made. have never looked back. a beer sounds good sometimes, but that's the trouble. it sounds too good, so why stop at one when there are a hundred in the bar, a dealer inside, and some crazy people waiting to do some crazy sh!t with? i have no off switch.


Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
congrats on 26.

i'm not strictly sober but for the most part i don't drink or do drugs. i have the occasional beer and i enjoy it but it's never really been my jam. even one micro brew makes me feel slow the next day and i don't care for that. i haven't smoked weed in a long time since it started giving me anxiety.
This is where i'm at
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Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
Like 4-5 years ago I was drinking a bit more habitually. Never heavily but say 1-2 beers most evenings. I read the sleep book by mathew walker and the chapter on alcohol and how it affects sleep really made me re-consider the daily drinking. I cut way back the point where I might go a couple months at a time between drinks.

There's a chapter on caffeine as well which will really ruin the afternoon cup o joe for anyone who values sleep (which should be everyone).

Random Guy

Duke status
Jan 16, 2002
So, 2 a night, for 6 nights still leaves you 12 for one night over the weekend

maybe in college, but i havent drank that kind of moderately since
alcohol is not my drug of choice