Tucker Carlson: The End of Men


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
You guys might not be able to handle this viewpoint and you can flame all you want.

Humanity has been so patriarchal dominated since biblical times, that perhaps this made T levels unnecessarily high.

The balance was lost when we believed the false prophets that said it was Eve's fault that Adam took that bite.

Imagine if women had been given a proper seat at the table all of these years. I think the world and humanity would be in a much better place. So maybe all this testosterone isn't such a good thing.

Our Mother Earth is feminine and she is tired of the testosterone fueled social injustices, pollution, fighting, and wasteful use of natural resources.

Several indigenous tribes have predicted the return to a balance of the matriarch and the patriarch. I believe this is an indication of that shift.

So instead of seeing it as Testosterone falling, perhaps you can see it as the second wing of humanity unfolding and we are finally returning to balanced flight.

I'm pretty sure I never would have and still don't rank super high in T level, but I was able to procreate and find a woman to share this life experience with. I am happily in touch with my feminine side and it helps me be sensitive to mother earth.

Being sensitive to your feminine side actually makes you a more complete man.
Cool theory, but testosterone is essential to survival of the species.

Low testosterone = disinterest in fvcking
Low testosterone = low sperm production

Sperm counts down by over 50% since the 1970s.



Michael Peterson status
Oct 26, 2006
He’s probably on TRT.

Nobody is forcing you to do it.

I used to go but I was always breaking. Now I don’t break as much and go harder.

To each his own.
no TRT.

eats clean, works out, no booze/drugs.

if a person wants to do TRT, go for it. Their choice.

every tough ass old dude I know just never slowed down, just sucked it up and took an aspirin.

this whole thing is a first world topic. None of my family in the Caribbean worry about this crap. They’re too busy living, and enjoying the ride. Eating well, drinking too much, and partying all night.

hate to sound old school, but man the f up if you want to be a man.


Nep status
Feb 24, 2011
Cool theory, but testosterone is essential to survival of the species.

Low testosterone = disinterest in fvcking
Low testosterone = low sperm production

Sperm counts down by over 50% since the 1970s.

True and thank you Mother Earth and the Universe for having these natural checks and balances in place. Because if this is a first world problem, we’ll those are the fuckers that are responsible for the plight we are in. So good riddance. Let the those that actually want to LIVE repopulate the earth.

Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
no TRT.

eats clean, works out, no booze/drugs.

if a person wants to do TRT, go for it. Their choice.

every tough ass old dude I know just never slowed down, just sucked it up and took an aspirin.

this whole thing is a first world topic. None of my family in the Caribbean worry about this crap. They’re too busy living, and enjoying the ride. Eating well, drinking too much, and partying all night.

hate to sound old school, but man the f up if you want to be a man.
People do all kinds of things to improve their health and quality of life. “Just man up” does nothing to accomplish that but, as you say, eating right etc is part of health/life improvement.

People also take supplements, stimulants (caffeine), pain relievers….all to live better.

So why draw a line at TRT. Hormone levels are the building blocks on which everything else stands.

Its available. if you can pay for it then why not do it?

I’ve been on TRT for about 18 months. The wife pushed me into it. She’s post menopausal and her doctor gave her (among other things) a little bit of T.

Well that gave her the sex drive of an 18 year old boy. Mine was declining.

Long story short I got on the juice and there’s really no downside.

Btw, my levels before trt were in the normal range for a 50 year old. Now I’m around the levels of a 20 year old.

The only drawback is that I want to fuck all the time.


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
hate to sound old school, but man the f up if you want to be a man.
That’s kind of like saying that if you have clinical depression then you should just deal with it. Like depression, people can have hormonal imbalances even when they are doing all other things right (diet, exercise, etc) where medical intervention is necessary.

I do agree that any treatment should be the last resort after trying to fix your hormones via diet, exercise, lifestyle etc, and I would say that about mental health (for most of us) as well.
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Michael Peterson status
Oct 26, 2006
Maybe my “man up” was harsh, but there’s a lot of people making excuses for taking an easy way out instead of having discipline in the mundane stuff that actually keeps us healthy.

as I said, I don’t hear people in S America, or the Caribbean talking about this. They have their own stimulants of course - as you mentioned.

what you’re talking about in your experience with TRT is different from the Tucker issue entirely

edit: I’m including myself in the “undisciplined “ class of people FWIW
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Michael Peterson status
Oct 26, 2006
where medical intervention is necessary.
medical treatment is a different issue.

people (including myself).need to remember that food/drinks is nothing more than chemicals to our bodies once it passes the tasting part of your throat.

it has taken me 40 years to figure this out and make changes that my younger body dealt with easily. My wife still struggles making better food choices. The difference between us is I have more energy, stamina and clearer focus. And I only made small changes to my diet and exercise routine. Everyone has to make the choice to be as healthy as they can or want to.

and yeah, sex drive increased the more i exerted myself via exercise or activity.

the modern sedentary and plugged in lifestyle does more to kill us than anything
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Duffy LaCoronilla

Duke status
Apr 27, 2016
Maybe my “man up” was harsh, but there’s a lot of people making excuses for taking an easy way out instead of having discipline in the mundane stuff that actually keeps us healthy.

as I said, I don’t hear people in S America, or the Caribbean talking about this. They have their own stimulants of course - as you mentioned.

what you’re talking about in your experience with TRT is different from the Tucker issue entirely

edit: I’m including myself in the “undisciplined “ class of people FWIW
I don’t drink, smoke. I eat mostly healthy. Fit and trim. I just kept pushing myself passed the limits of my body. I had already picked all the low hanging fruit so I had a choice to make. Slow down or armor up. I chose the latter.

But in the end it’s just making choices.

Peace out. :jamon:


Nep status
Feb 24, 2011
Duffy, I highly recommend the book Epic Survival by Matt Graham. He pushed his body to some incredible limits and connected to earth in ways I wish we all could.
I don’t drink, smoke. I eat mostly healthy. Fit and trim. I just kept pushing myself passed the limits of my body. I had already picked all the low hanging fruit so I had a choice to make. Slow down or armor up. I chose the latter.

But in the end it’s just making choices.

Peace out. :jamon:
Duffy, I highly recommend the book Epic Survival by Matt Graham. He pushed his body to some incredible limits and connected to earth in ways I wish we all could. The book is really awesome and inspiring.



Duke status
Feb 27, 2009
Just checking in on this 110th day of the year 2022. Happy to report that I once again woke with MAJOR morning wood.


Duke status
Feb 27, 2009


Duke status
Oct 14, 2017
A relatively small number of men experience immediate side effects of testosterone treatment, such as acne, disturbed breathing while sleeping, breast swelling or tenderness, or swelling in the ankles. Doctors also watch out for high red blood cell counts, which could increase the risk of clotting.

Men on long-term using forms of testosterone therapy long term appear to have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, like heart attacks, strokes, and deaths from heart disease. For example, in 2010, researchers halted the Testosterone in Older Men study when early results showed that men on testosterone replacement therapy had noticeably more heart problems. "In older men, theoretical cardiac side effects become a little more immediate," Dr. Pallais says.

Some physicians also have a lingering concern that testosterone therapy could stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. As with the hypothetical cardiac risks, the evidence is mixed. But because prostate cancer is so common, doctors tend to be leery of prescribing testosterone to men who may be at risk.

For male patients with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for men usually outweigh potential risks. However, for most other men it's a shared decision with your doctor. It offers men who feel lousy a chance to feel better, but that quick fix could distract attention from unknown long-term hazards. "I can't tell you for certain that this raises your personal risk of heart problems and prostate cancer, or that it doesn't," Dr. Pallais says.


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
Dave Tate says roids were your ace in the hole.

You play that card last.

I think the longer you can delay playing that card the better.


Tom Curren status
Apr 11, 2006
Del Boca Vista, Phase III
A relatively small number of men experience immediate side effects of testosterone treatment, such as acne, disturbed breathing while sleeping, breast swelling or tenderness, or swelling in the ankles. Doctors also watch out for high red blood cell counts, which could increase the risk of clotting.

Men on long-term using forms of testosterone therapy long term appear to have a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, like heart attacks, strokes, and deaths from heart disease. For example, in 2010, researchers halted the Testosterone in Older Men study when early results showed that men on testosterone replacement therapy had noticeably more heart problems. "In older men, theoretical cardiac side effects become a little more immediate," Dr. Pallais says.

Some physicians also have a lingering concern that testosterone therapy could stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells. As with the hypothetical cardiac risks, the evidence is mixed. But because prostate cancer is so common, doctors tend to be leery of prescribing testosterone to men who may be at risk.

For male patients with low blood testosterone levels, the benefits of hormone replacement therapy for men usually outweigh potential risks. However, for most other men it's a shared decision with your doctor. It offers men who feel lousy a chance to feel better, but that quick fix could distract attention from unknown long-term hazards. "I can't tell you for certain that this raises your personal risk of heart problems and prostate cancer, or that it doesn't," Dr. Pallais says.
If someone wants to take those risks to live "better" for a few less years, and can afford it, I don't see the big deal.

I am not on TRT, but if I needed it, I would, as a last resort.


Duke status
May 21, 2011
A Beach
Maybe my “man up” was harsh, but there’s a lot of people making excuses for taking an easy way out instead of having discipline in the mundane stuff that actually keeps us healthy.
I agree, up until someone does all of the lifestyle interventions first and is still not successful. Just like depression, when all other life quality factors are in your favor and you still don't feel right, then you probably need professional help which will likely include therapeutics.

The idea that there is inherent virtue in doing everything the hard way and having to suffer through fixable issues needs to die already and seems to be as the boomers age out of the workplace, thankfully.

as I said, I don’t hear people in S America, or the Caribbean talking about this. They have their own stimulants of course - as you mentioned.
Yes, because professionally administered TRT is relatively new and mostly a 1st world luxury. Plus, people in those parts of the world are more likely to engage in day-to-day T building activities like outdoor physical work, getting in fist fights with their neighbors, and cheating on their wife/wives. Must be nice!

what you’re talking about in your experience with TRT is different from the Tucker issue entirely
I don't take TRT, however I think that it should be looked at no differently than using antidepressants, insulin, or any other medication, so long as it is administered by professionals in the correct doses and in combination with lifestyle interventions.