New Chillis, rarest bird and hot knife


Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
These weren't easy to find. But many phone calls, help from others, and 5 hours drive without knowing exactly what I would find turned up the exact boards I wanted :) as happy as could be right now, even with the berry tea drink I just discovered is several months expired churning in my stomach :sick:. Ride report will follow, with time. For now, board porn.
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Mr J

Michael Peterson status
Aug 18, 2003
Regional Vic, Australia
I have the Mini Bird which is Chilli's reduced size version of the Rare Bird. Your Rarest Bird is a wider version of the Rare Bird. Anyway I really like the Mini Bird and use it now and then in small blown out garbage conditions, because it can do tight turns.
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Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
Do you hang out with the "iceman" chuck liddell for paint nails and brazzo wrestle night?
I've only kicked it with the Brazilians for bbq night, but yeah, more or less right on with the toe paint thing.
I thought I fixated on weird things, how are so many of you more interested in my girly toes than these awesome surfboards?? :LOL: it's not like they're my lawn or something.


Michael Peterson status
Apr 21, 2018
You've still not given a reason for the toenails, apart from acknowledging that you paint them :D
Was the colour choice to accentuate the colour of the new Chilli?


Phil Edwards status
Jan 20, 2006
Sunny Coast Qld Australia
I've only kicked it with the Brazilians for bbq night, but yeah, more or less right on with the toe paint thing.
I thought I fixated on weird things, how are so many of you more interested in my girly toes than these awesome surfboards?? :LOL: it's not like they're my lawn or something.
Nooo! We don't want to see your's probably Brazilianed as well!


Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
You've still not given a reason for the toenails, apart from acknowledging that you paint them :D
Was the colour choice to accentuate the colour of the new Chilli?
Lol welcome to the string cheese style choices thread...
You already guessed correctly 20210909_215727.jpg

It was a lifetime ago and I don't know any of those people any more, but once you start painting your toenails you can't ever stop.

Prooflab gave me the cool leash strings, too.


Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
As a man of data and science, I would love to test your hypothesis, but I'm too afraid to :D

Now we have that out the way, very jealous of the boards, now go put them on the lawn please.
Lol dude, I'm not rich enough to have a lawn. I live in SLO and wait tables.
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Miki Dora status
Jun 21, 2017
Got the rarest bird in the water at morro for the de virginizing. 1-2 foot, slow, mushy surf with some nice, but short, sections here and there. First impressions, it is perfectly balanced. Requires no extra work or adjustment, the board is one big sweet spot for paddling and when I stood up it just clicked right in like an extension of my body. Super loose with the MR twins, but still drives and doesn't slide. Did not feel like an epoxy...good start. I want to switch it to a quad for worse waves and a thruster for faster waves to get a little more control over it, it feels like there is too much board behind the back fins for a 2+1, but I'm stoked on it and felt connected to it immediately. Haven't liked a board so much right away since my last Chilli, and even then... this could be my favorite board ever, time and more waves will tell.