Watching the news..

Bob Dobbalina

Miki Dora status
Feb 23, 2016
Hot take:

Was it really that bad?
I think they are loony tunes. I think they are dangerously out of touch and praying to the wrong gods and monsters to save them. I think this COULD be dangerous, but it wasn't that dangerous (I could just be behind on the news).

But was taking an unannounced (well, everyone knew but the capitol PD apparently. Perhaps uninvited is more accurate.) walk through the capitol building en masse such an "assault on democracy"? Are we that fragile?

PD should've been prepared. Yes.
Was the response oddly tame compared to people protesting systemic racism and police brutality? yes. Apparently PD DOES understand "deescalation and use of force".
This was a glaringly obvious and purposeful stunt. But was it any more than that?

Now every Republican that has "seen the light" is seen as some great uniter and moderate when, a day ago, many were on team insurrection themselves. If I've ever seen a strawman, I saw thousands of them walking in DC yesterday.


Tom Curren status
Mar 5, 2012
Yeah yeah. You and your higher power too.

My "Sober January" came to an end last night as I watched the news.

Made it what, 5 days? :roflmao:

My name is GWS and I can't take this sh!t much longer.
I firmly believe it is folly to try and understand and deal with this current world sober.
In fact, I feel really bad for my 12 y/o daughter for having to live through this sober.

You ever get a good thc/cbd level for anxiety?


Duke status
Jan 24, 2011
Vagina Point
My sister asked me if I wanted to do sober January.

I was like, "Are you out of your fucking mind? I'm Zooming teaching, we have raging pandemic, an incompetent president. I'm going to do drunk January."

Zooming is the main stressor.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
But it's kind of a signal that the country doesn't have it's sh!t together.

Kind of like the homeless wandering around Oside like zombies

Now, notice the ongoing pattern of inflationary monetary policy of previous presidential admins all the way through Trump - regardless of political party? More of that on the way with the incoming admin.

So what happens to the USA (a country that does not have it's sh!t together) when the USD is no longer the world's major reserve currency?

Aside from a few technical aspects of financial markets that make it appealing, a key reason for its prominence is the USA's reputation for stability and the rule of law...
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Miki Dora status
Jan 14, 2002
Expect the worse hope for the best and as Jeff Spicoli alluded to, "you have to craft your buzz" Above all else, be in control of your destiny or decidedly out of control.

GWS, if you want it, you got it. If not, you will still be so much better off than the masses who are without the slightest of self realization.
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Michael Peterson status
Dec 27, 2019
One of the wildest things to me was that the Senate and House just carried on with the vote count in, on and around a murder scene a few hours after it happened. Just another day in America.
had the victim been black.... sh!t woulda hit the fan.

not one word about excessive force. no mass protest for the killing of an innocent demonstrator. cop not being held accountable.

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Tom Curren status
Apr 16, 2014
Honolulu, Hawaii
had the victim been black.... sh!t woulda hit the fan.

not one word about excessive force. no mass protest for the killing of an innocent demonstrator. cop not being held accountable.

Well, she wasn't innocent. And the cop is on administrative leave while shooting is under investigation.

I'm Anti Trump, but I thought it was weird that Senate and House just carried on, hours after someone was murdered just outside the doors of the chambers. Seems very old timey colonial American.
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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
May 23, 2016
in da hood next to paradise

Now, notice the ongoing pattern of inflationary monetary policy of previous presidential admins all the way through Trump - regardless of political party? More of that on the way with the incoming admin.

So what happens to the USA (a country that does not have it's sh!t together) when the USD is no longer the world's major reserve currency?

Aside from a few technical aspects of financial markets that make it appealing, a key reason for its prominence is the USA's reputation for stability and the rule of law...
don’t worry China will take care of all of that for us. They want the fed reserve they gonna get it handed to them by Biden and harry


Miki Dora status
Jan 14, 2002
Colonialism was the way it was, we fought to leave it or own it for ourselves. There is nothing wrong having that history, at all because we are slowly but surely moving on. When ocasio-cortes sais caulliflower is so colonial I'm like whatever bitch you can't be ashamed of that history., And cauliflower is a killer fuggin' vegetable, I guess she would prefer plantains?. We should have done our own housekeeping and that little princess wouldn't even be here, wouldn't even make it in the porn industry.
Fucggk her and her ungrateful little wannabe warrior friend s