CA Beaches Done


Legend (inyourownmind)
Feb 26, 2020
All the non face mask wearing non social distancing beach party idiots caused it. Wait 2 weeks when we see a surge from this past weeks beach parties. Until there is mass testing and quarantining of the infected, nothing is gonna change. America fk ya! We want our freedom at the expense of our health. Inept gov at all levels. Destroy our economy by they can’t afford testing and strict quarantine of the infected. Dumbshat everywhere. Looking like a 1 year lockdown min
my body, my choice


Phil Edwards status
Sep 17, 2012
Reads like it's just "state" beaches (?) If that's the case, that's okay.
Feb 3, 2015
LA County
Good question.

I don't think the governor is going to have much support on this.

I think it will only galvanize opposition and anger, with spillover into aspects that have nothing to do with the beach.

This is not a wise decision.
I was waiting for something like this to happen. I feel like there will be a lot of backlash, hopefully from the right people in charge of our counties. Governor Douche-som can suck it
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Duke status
Aug 6, 2003
Jacksonville Beach
Your beaches have been open a few weeks now. Is Jacksonville seeing cases skyrocketing?
11 days isn't really weeks, and "open" means locked the f--k down from 11a-5p. The tl;dr is "Sharkbiscuit sees 0 indication letting Californians surf in the mornings would negatively affect jack sh!t. I love Potty, pack closeouts!". Whether people breathing heavily from Palisades to Torrance on the bike path is a good idea, I dunno.

I would say it is premature to draw any conclusions based on Duval/St. John's Counties' re-"opening" of the beaches. My gut feeling is other than one Friday, it will be irrelevant. Just in general eyeballing the thing, it looks to me like kicking the beach partiers in the dick by shutting it down by noon at the latest is a YUGE help. Other than massive cross-pollination that first Friday night, I haven't seen any real mobs on the beaches. A couple people are sunbathe tards but in general people are at least moving.

I really wish Gavin would let you wind snobs surf in the mornings. Shots at wind snobbery aside, I feel for you guys. California is a competitive, stressful place to make ends meet vs. blow savings during a vacation, and lots of you are paying for the weather + recreational opportunities combo. Otherwise you'd be in the Northern Rockies or Canada if you love cold/wet or Houston/Dallas/Orlando/Miami/Atlanta if you have no soul and want it to generally be warm. You can ride bikes, jog, walk your dogs, etc. lots of places. Other than Lemoore, Wavehouse, and Palm Springs (did the investors get wiped out?) you can only surf in California at a beach generally. I suppose Lake Tahoe? That's a beach though.

If they open the beaches in general (drunk idiots congregating like baitfish) or they open the bars (that'll be all she wrote) I'd almost assure you Covid-19 cases will increase in Florida.

I don't agree with Governor Kemp opening sh!t like tattoo parlors per se, but I'm ready for phase 2 if that means retail like surf shops, clothing stores, etc. The bailout went to the banks, insurers, and hedge funds (see stock market on same day quarter was released) and the working people deserve the liberty to choose homelessness or death. While Congress hides like bitches and doesn't come to work. MFers.

I am NOT in favor of relaxing social distancing as a general practice for quite some time, and I think in-person college football season and potentially any trips worth a sh!t for me are a goner. Yay I can drive to OBX, get vibed by tourist-dependent locals, ride their shitty beachbreak (your beachbreak fuckin' sucks I see chargers from OBX in Mex in August who tell me it sucks therefore it sucks) and catch some bluefish or something. That totally adds up to Nexpa and P-squaw.


Legend (inyourownmind)
Nov 28, 2016
You just gotta love the *big* reveal. What do people expect when a party appeals to disaffected losers suffering from jealousy, envy and resentment, and promises to use state power to implement forced change?

Surprise! Lenin coined the term "useful idiots"; how apropos. While a small % of the general population exhibits sociopathic tendencies, these types of people are attracted to positions of power. The net-net is that they will say anything, do anything in order to gain positions of control they so desperately crave.

And so, for the umpteenth time in the vast eons of human history, the rubes are once again left slack jawed, open mouth gasping for air like a fish out of water in surprise at the (unexpected!) turn of events. LOL

However, as usual the measured, sane and stable will be there (once again) to save the dummies' collective bacon. It's no wonder why they don't teach civics, that Jefferson isn't venerated as a demi-god with his own religious order(s). For, if they did/if he was, it wouldn't take someone like me to explain the basics.

Clue: 1st amendment; Beaches/water are public property. The state cannot suspend 1A rights regarding political or religious assemblies. So, yes conduct a massive beach protest and/or religious celebration, and make sure to photograph every police officer stupid enough to execute unconstitutional orders.

The blow back from this entire CV event is going to be one for the history books. Far reaching effects of changes in state constitutions, laws, lawsuits, personal liability assessments (aka Nuremberg defense), etc is going to be keeping lawyers, politicians and activists busy for years.
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Nep status
Apr 11, 2010
It's been raining on/off here in FL. Atmosphere is not so appealing unless you're doing one of the essential activities.

Next week will be a true test: sunny and clear, high in the mid-upper 80s.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
I co-sign, vehemently, how necessary religious celebrations are right now. Everyone, quick! To the nearest house of worship.
Religious worship is important to religious people such as Muslims, Jews and - last and clearly least - Christians. On one hand, we don't want to get Grandma sick with COVID. On the other hand, how long do we suspend in-person religious worship given that viruses are normally seasonal and this one has an IFR about equivalent to the seasonal flu (unless we continue to pad the deaths from COVID upward)?

To religious people, online worship is a stop-gap measure, not a permanent one. Governor Patrick Bateman is opening daycares and schools in phase 2 and pushing in-person religious services to phase 3 which he said is "months, not weeks away."

@MitchellC I think the governor is giving people what they want, I'm afraid. Most people want to be locked-down. They just haven't figured out how they'll continue to pay bills. Voters are vaguely angry, but can't accept the trade-offs (yet).

To your point though, non-sociopaths don't even run for office anymore. What honest person would subject themselves to that abuse?


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
I think the governor is giving people what they want, I'm afraid. Most people want to be locked-down.
Judging from the increase in traffic and neighborhood activity I'm seeing I'm not sure I agree with you.

But I still stand by my prediction beaches will remain closed until 2022.


Tom Curren status
Feb 25, 2020
Judging from the increase in traffic and neighborhood activity I'm seeing I'm not sure I agree with you.

But I still stand by my prediction beaches will remain closed until 2022.
Yeah. How long can families with kids stay inside? Mine are out playing with the other kids on the street. We're going to have a little bonfire in front this weekend, while of course maintaining social distancing. I can't live the rest of my life inside and I can't ignore my neighbors forever. Gavin's house is so expansive it's easier for him to be indoors with his children and domestic staff.

I'm certainly not going to bet against your predictions though.
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Phil Edwards status
Oct 26, 2005
All the non face mask wearing non social distancing beach party idiots caused it. Wait 2 weeks when we see a surge from this past weeks beach parties. Until there is mass testing and quarantining of the infected, nothing is gonna change. America fk ya! We want our freedom at the expense of our health. Inept gov at all levels. Destroy our economy by they can’t afford testing and strict quarantine of the infected. Dumbshat everywhere. Looking like a 1 year lockdown min
There will be no surge. People are all around each other all over the place, not wearing masks, grocery stores, sidewalks, etc. What is it about being on a beach that you think is so contagious? Most people at beaches aren't within 20-30 feet of each other.