How the administration is handling the coronavirus pandemic.....


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
Now Trump is attacking hospitals as "complainers" can be any less fit to lead?

Why didn't he ever get fair warning? And now all the hospitals and governors are whining. Why can't they just make all his problems go away like his daddy did?



Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Would you be in favor of slashing the defense budget and putting the money into public health?

If you ever read my posts over the years you'd know I think defense is a bloated bureaucracy.

What does "money into public health" mean?

Pandemics are national security issues.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
you keep using the words: nothing, all, solved
Read Michael Osterholm.

There was NOTHING in place over the DECADES to manage something like this.

That's why I'm using the word NOTHING.

Nothing could have stopped this from happening here.
Correct, read Michael Osterholm.

As for the current situation, we bought time with the travel ban and were able to soften the blow a bit.

the world is reliant on global interaction.
Yeah, wait til we're out of reagent.

Nobody is saying it is all of cheeto's fault. just stupid statement
Yeah, right. As if the article above doesn't take that angle, the endless twitter tirades bitching about Trump, etc.

Trump is a dog to kick.

So much wasted energy.

Nobody can solve this. this is bigger than any one person or gov. to solve, to resolve will be a process for all people and gov's.
OK, not sure where I said otherwise.

how many times do you need to hear he has been neglectful in his responsibilities? which is well document using his own words and actions.
such bullshit
We would be significantly better off right now if in the past 2 months Trump had/hadn't....

Go ahead.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Why didn't he ever get fair warning? And now all the hospitals and governors are whining. Why can't they just make all his problems go away like his daddy did?

Experts have been warning the federal government about pandemic influenza long before Trump ever came in the picture.

Nobody did anything.
Obama didn't.
W the 2nd didn't.
Clinton didn't.


Trump is a dog to kick.

Bitching about him, and attempting to pin responsibility, is just using him as a scapegoat. It's counterproductive.

Obama had:

and despite being warned, over 8 years he did nothing to prepare for the inevitable.

But at the end of the day, it's irrelevant - it's a pattern of failure, the same as those who came before and after him.

That's my point.
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Woke AF

Tom Curren status
Jul 29, 2009
Southern Tip, Norcal
Experts have been warning the federal government about pandemic influenza long before Trump ever came in the picture.

Nobody did anything.
Obama didn't.
W the 2nd didn't.
Clinton didn't.

Read Michael Osterholm.

There was NOTHING in place over the DECADES to manage something like this.

That's why I'm using the word NOTHING.

Correct, read Michael Osterholm.

As for the current situation, we bought time with the travel ban and were able to soften the blow a bit.

Yeah, wait til we're out of reagent.

Yeah, right. As if the article above doesn't take that angle, the endless twitter tirades bitching about Trump, etc.

Trump is a dog to kick.

So much wasted energy.

OK, not sure where I said otherwise.

We would be significantly better off right now if in the past 2 months Trump had/hadn't....

Go ahead.
Nothing in place- too stupid to respond too.
We were late with the travel ban and the president said this is a nothing burger and that it was in control.

So apparently you have learned nothing from this clown show of leadership. Looking forward to 4 more years, are you?


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
Nothing in place- too stupid to respond too.
We were late with the travel ban and the president said this is a nothing burger and that it was in control.

So apparently you have learned nothing from this clown show of leadership. Looking forward to 4 more years, are you?

Trumby is just trying to pwn the libs by showing his ineptitude.

Seems to be working.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Nothing in place- too stupid to respond too.
Lol - bullshit

But feel free to run away.

Those are the facts.

Read Michael Osterholm - he knows more than you.

We were late with the travel ban and the president said this is a nothing burger and that it was in control.

But the travel ban was racist. It would have been even more racist if implemented earlier.

As far as Trump saying stupid sh!t, yeah, I agree.

That doesn't fix the fact he could have said very intelligent things and we still wouldn't have had the resources to deal with this due to decades of failure in leadership.

So apparently you have learned nothing from this clown show of leadership. Looking forward to 4 more years, are you?
I'm looking forward to 4 more years of Joe Biden.:)
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Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
What in the sweet merciful fvck is this guy doing heading up the response?

WASHINGTON — Peter T. Gaynor, the federal government’s top emergency manager, was about to go on television last week to announce that he would use wartime production powers to ensure the manufacture of about 60,000 desperately needed coronavirus test kits.

With minutes until the camera went live, though, he still had to let the White House know. The person he hurriedly called: Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, who endorsed an announcement that surprised many officials. Among those unaware that Mr. Kushner had agreed to the use of the special powers? President Trump.

At one of the most perilous moments in modern American history, Mr. Kushner is trying in a disjointed White House to marshal the forces of government for the war his father-in-law says he is waging. A real estate developer with none of the medical expertise of a public health official nor the mobilization experience of a general, Mr. Kushner has nonetheless become a key player in the response to the pandemic.

Because of his unique status, he has made himself the point of contact for many agency officials who know that he can force action and issue decisions without going to the president. But while Mr. Kushner and his allies say that he has brought more order to the process, the government’s response remains fragmented and behind the curve.

WASHINGTON — Peter T. Gaynor, the federal government’s top emergency manager, was about to go on television last week to announce that he would use wartime production powers to ensure the manufacture of about 60,000 desperately needed coronavirus test kits.
With minutes until the camera went live, though, he still had to let the White House know. The person he hurriedly called: Jared Kushner, the president’s son-in-law and senior adviser, who endorsed an announcement that surprised many officials. Among those unaware that Mr. Kushner had agreed to the use of the special powers? President Trump.
At one of the most perilous moments in modern American history, Mr. Kushner is trying in a disjointed White House to marshal the forces of government for the war his father-in-law says he is waging. A real estate developer with none of the medical expertise of a public health official nor the mobilization experience of a general, Mr. Kushner has nonetheless become a key player in the response to the pandemic.
Because of his unique status, he has made himself the point of contact for many agency officials who know that he can force action and issue decisions without going to the president. But while Mr. Kushner and his allies say that he has brought more order to the process, the government’s response remains fragmented and behind the curve.
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Some officials said Mr. Kushner had mainly added another layer of confusion to that response, while taking credit for changes already in progress and failing to deliver on promised improvements. He promoted a nationwide screening website and a widespread network of drive-through testing sites. Neither materialized. He claimed to have helped narrow the rift between his father-in-law and General Motors in a presidential blowup over ventilator production, one administration official said, but the White House is still struggling to procure enough ventilators and other medical equipment.

Perhaps most critically, neither Mr. Kushner nor anyone else can control a president who offers the public radically different messages depending on the day or even the hour, complicating the White House’s effort to get ahead of the crisis. One moment Mr. Trump is talking about reopening the country by Easter, the next he is warning of more than 100,000 deaths. In the afternoon, he threatens to quarantine tens of millions of people in the northeast, then in the evening he backs down.
In an interview, Mr. Kushner would not discuss the president’s actions but said he views himself as an enabler of government agencies to overcome obstacles. “From the White House, you can move a lot faster,” he said. “I’ve put members of my team into a lot of components. What we’ve been able to do is get people very quick answers.”

But to some in the agencies, his team’s arrival has only exacerbated an already dysfunctional situation. In recent days, administration officials said, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which traditionally coordinates the government’s responses to disasters, has received surprise directives from the White House — including to dispatch deliveries of medical equipment to states that had not even submitted formal requests based on which governor got Mr. Trump on the telephone.

After the governors of Illinois and New Jersey called Mr. Trump last month, Mr. Kushner’s team told FEMA to immediately deliver medical equipment to both states even though the career officials were concerned that would redirect valuable medical necessities away from where they were most needed, such as the coronavirus hot spot of Washington state. Agency officials had to call the states’ emergency managers to ask them to submit formal requests for supplies the White House had already promised.

“There is some kind of communications failure between FEMA and the White House,” said Representative Bennie Thompson, Democrat of Mississippi and chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee. “FEMA was brought into the response to provide logistics support and the White House should let them do their work. There is no reason for Jared or any other inexperienced person to be getting in the way of that.”


Duke status
Jan 15, 2003
What in the sweet merciful fvck is this guy doing heading up the response?

example #605489 of the Cheeto administration incompetency. two official/unofficial groups running the pandemic response creating confusion and dysfunction, possibly even criminal activity under Kushner's as it's not an agency reportable to anyone


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
example #605489 of the Cheeto administration incompetency. two official/unofficial groups running the pandemic response creating confusion and dysfunction, possibly even criminal activity under Kushner's as it's not an agency reportable to anyone

1. Why isn't it all under one central command?
2. Why aren't epidemiologists in charge?


Duke status
Nov 21, 2008
The Californias
But the travel ban was racist. It would have been even more racist if implemented earlier.
What a load of bullshit.

Muslim Ban, which you defended, was a ban based on religion and was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

This is a complete travel ban designed to prevent the pandemic.

Nice non-sequitur ding-dong.

It's unreal that you are still chugging the orange jizz.
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Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois
What a load of bullshit.

Muslim Ban, which you defended, was a ban based on religion and was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

This is a complete travel ban designed to prevent the pandemic.

Nice non-sequitur ding-dong.

It's unreal that you are still chugging the orange jizz.

I'll admit.....people jumped on the "travel ban is racist" bandwagon way too quickly. What should have happened was complete grounding of all aircraft.
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Experts have been warning the federal government about pandemic influenza long before Trump ever came in the picture.

Nobody did anything.
Obama didn't.
W the 2nd didn't.
Clinton didn't.


Trump is a dog to kick.

Bitching about him, and attempting to pin responsibility, is just using him as a scapegoat. It's counterproductive.

Obama had:

and despite being warned, over 8 years he did nothing to prepare for the inevitable.

But at the end of the day, it's irrelevant - it's a pattern of failure, the same as those who came before and after him.

That's my point.
Didn't OBAMA set up the Pandemic Response Team that trump disbanded?


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
What a load of bullshit.

Muslim Ban, which you defended, was a ban based on religion and was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court.

This is a complete travel ban designed to prevent the pandemic.

Nice non-sequitur ding-dong.

It's unreal that you are still chugging the orange jizz.

My sarcasm about the China ban went way, way over your head.