*** Official Corona Virus Thread ***


Duke status
May 12, 2002
I have TONS of ammo.

That's really all you need.

Will trade 10 rounds of 9mm for the addresses of food hoarders. FYI.
I've already mapped every Mormom household in the vicinity.

I have a stock pile of ammo so I don't need yours. Let me know if you need any shotgun loads.

Do your due diligence. I can't carry you this time. I wish you and yours well.

Wish me well.

See you when the dust settles and hopefully we all make it.
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Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Oct 11, 2009
Just bought $300 in non-perishable groceries online, and dropped $50 per on some N100 masks off ebay.

Interesting times...

How are you handling it?
not really worried about it, actually. i understand those with compromised immune systems (babies, elderly, sickly et al) have a more serious risk, but otherwise, it's the flu and it comes around every year, in one form or another. you've got a far better chance of dying in a car wreck, which doesn't seem to bother anybody.
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Staff member
Dec 31, 2008
Ten rounds? Hundreds upon hundreds and my wife knows how to shoot and reload the semi auto duck thumpers while I hold off the looters ;)


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Mar 21, 2006
Gig Harbor
is this for real?
hysteria in the us?
I predict by the end of next week the US will be in full chaos. Prep before the hordes. The cases will start rising exponentially in the next three weeks.

I was talking about this almost a month ago and was called an alarmist. Now I'm more relaxed because I prepared.

US coronavirus testing has been completely inadequate. They should have shut this sh!t down 3 weeks ago. Every metro area is gonna be a mess for months now. And we don't have enough hospital beds to treat those who get heavy respiratory symptoms. It will be interesting to see who gets blamed for the poor response. Hope all you BBers stay healthy thru this. Looking at the numbers, the US could see as many as 500,000 dead from this. I estimate we'll see 100,000 deaths.
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Phil Edwards status
Jul 18, 2002
thank God i am in Indo - still 0 cases here
off to Kuala Lumpur in a few days - they have a few cases there
will be riding dirty
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Miki Dora status
Aug 9, 2006
Location Location
I predict by the end of next week the US will be in full chaos. Prep before the hordes. The cases will start rising exponentially in the next three weeks.

I was talking about this almost a month ago and was called an alarmist. Now I'm more relaxed because I prepared.

US coronavirus testing has been completely inadequate. They should have shut this sh!t down 3 weeks ago. Every metro area is gonna be a mess for months now. And we don't have enough hospital beds to treat those who get heavy respiratory symptoms. It will be interesting to see who gets blamed for the poor response. Hope all you BBers stay healthy thru this. Looking at the numbers, the US could see as many as 500,000 dead from this. I estimate we'll see 100,000 deaths.
I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
not really worried about it, actually. i understand those with compromised immune systems (babies, elderly, sickly et al) have a more serious risk, but otherwise, it's the flu and it comes around every year, in one form or another.
The flu does not have anywhere close to a 20-30% ICU admission rate.

The flu also does not require airborne precautions and an airborne isolation room.


Billy Hamilton status
Dec 8, 2017
Ok, well I happen to benefit from a family email chain, that comes from a big wig at the DoD, Disaster Medicine office.
He's got ebola experience and deals with military as well.

Its a fairly long email, but I'd thougth I'd share what he recommends.


nah jk for reals though...

Specific recommendations -

1. Don't panic and don't believe the BS on Fox News and Facebook.

2. Plan for your kids/grandkids out of school for a month or so, and perhaps to tele-work.

3. Cover ALL of your coughs and sneezes in the crook of your elbow.

4. If you have ANY symptoms - STAY home, stay in your room, use a separate bathroom. DO NOT go to the hospital unless it is serious (that's were the really sick people are).

5. Buy - acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen, hand sanitizer, bleach (liquid and wipes), cleaning gloves, maybe some regular masks.

6. You might want to stock up on some staple foods (pasta, rice, canned, cereal, whatever) so that you don't have to run to the grocery store as often (I really doubt food shortages would occur).

7. Don't go out partying, stay home and watch TV (not zombie or apocalypse movies).

8. No making-out with strangers. In Liberia we didn't shake hands, hug, or even pat people on the back - we bumped elbows as greeting.
You'll be fine. Just be safe.

I'm happy to forward his entire email just pm me your email if interested.


Duke status
Apr 13, 2008
Petak Island
Ok, well I happen to benefit from a family email chain, that comes from a big wig at the DoD, Disaster Medicine office.
He's got ebola experience and deals with military as well.

Its a fairly long email, but I'd thougth I'd share what he recommends.


nah jk for reals though...

Specific recommendations -

1. Don't panic and don't believe the BS on Fox News and Facebook.

2. Plan for your kids/grandkids out of school for a month or so, and perhaps to tele-work.

3. Cover ALL of your coughs and sneezes in the crook of your elbow.

4. If you have ANY symptoms - STAY home, stay in your room, use a separate bathroom. DO NOT go to the hospital unless it is serious (that's were the really sick people are).

5. Buy - acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen, hand sanitizer, bleach (liquid and wipes), cleaning gloves, maybe some regular masks.

6. You might want to stock up on some staple foods (pasta, rice, canned, cereal, whatever) so that you don't have to run to the grocery store as often (I really doubt food shortages would occur).

7. Don't go out partying, stay home and watch TV (not zombie or apocalypse movies).

8. No making-out with strangers. In Liberia we didn't shake hands, hug, or even pat people on the back - we bumped elbows as greeting.
You'll be fine. Just be safe.

I'm happy to forward his entire email just pm me your email if interested.
Other than #2 and #6 it's absurdly difficult to get people to comply with the rest of the suggestions.

Especially #3 and #4.

the janitor

Tom Curren status
Mar 28, 2003
north of the bridge
Ok, well I happen to benefit from a family email chain, that comes from a big wig at the DoD, Disaster Medicine office.
He's got ebola experience and deals with military as well.

Its a fairly long email, but I'd thougth I'd share what he recommends.


nah jk for reals though...

Specific recommendations -

1. Don't panic and don't believe the BS on Fox News and Facebook.

2. Plan for your kids/grandkids out of school for a month or so, and perhaps to tele-work.

3. Cover ALL of your coughs and sneezes in the crook of your elbow.

4. If you have ANY symptoms - STAY home, stay in your room, use a separate bathroom. DO NOT go to the hospital unless it is serious (that's were the really sick people are).

5. Buy - acetaminophen and/or ibuprofen, hand sanitizer, bleach (liquid and wipes), cleaning gloves, maybe some regular masks.

6. You might want to stock up on some staple foods (pasta, rice, canned, cereal, whatever) so that you don't have to run to the grocery store as often (I really doubt food shortages would occur).

7. Don't go out partying, stay home and watch TV (not zombie or apocalypse movies).

8. No making-out with strangers. In Liberia we didn't shake hands, hug, or even pat people on the back - we bumped elbows as greeting.
You'll be fine. Just be safe.

I'm happy to forward his entire email just pm me your email if interested.
how about just paste the rest in here?