I love a Good "Good Book" thread


Tom Curren status
Feb 23, 2010
How are the footnotes? That's one that's on my list to read, but it sounds like a major undertaking (and looks like one too... lot of pages.)
I tried to read it about 5 years ago but I just couldn't stick with it. Made it like a hundred pages and I don't know if I could tell you what the book is actually about. That's not to say it isn't extremely well written it's just also very dense and complicated and it felt like it lacked a continuous through line follow. I plan on trying again at some point, maybe this winter.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Dec 19, 2017
Central Cal
The newest from Joe Abercrombie, a sequel to his "Rule of Law" trilogy.

"A Little Hatred".

About half way through right now. Good stuff!!!


Kelly Slater status
Apr 23, 2001
Doing software (or is it doing me?) tires my brain out big time. Also I am becoming a grumpy old man. By the end of the day, I don't want to be challenged, I don't want to learn anything, I don't want to be inspired, I don't want to become a better person, I just want to escape. For the past couple of years I've been mostly reading and re-reading all the Jack Reacher books and they have been just what the doctor ordered. But there's only so much material there so I've been searching for similar. Louis L'Amour sort of hits the same spot, but I get tired of that fairly quickly. Cosmic Banditos sure was good and tolerably light. Currently in search of new vein of literary brain candy.


Duke status
Dec 3, 2010
Doing software (or is it doing me?) tires my brain out big time. Also I am becoming a grumpy old man. By the end of the day, I don't want to be challenged, I don't want to learn anything, I don't want to be inspired, I don't want to become a better person, I just want to escape. For the past couple of years I've been mostly reading and re-reading all the Jack Reacher books and they have been just what the doctor ordered. But there's only so much material there so I've been searching for similar. Louis L'Amour sort of hits the same spot, but I get tired of that fairly quickly. Cosmic Banditos sure was good and tolerably light. Currently in search of new vein of literary brain candy.
Elmore Leonard.


Rabbitt Bartholomew status
Dec 19, 2017
Central Cal
Most kids start out with stuff like Dr. Suess.

When I was little, (my mom was a school teacher) I started with "The Hobbit" at 5 y/o.

My dad was an engineer and a huge sci fi fan. By 2nd grade I was reading Frank Herbert. Probably the best connection I have with my dad, he turned 90 this year, is our common love for sci fi/fantasy. Really good Sci Fi/Fantasy. We have a acquired an enormous collection of books over the years. Possibly one of the best collections in existence.

The whole kindle thing has been changing it though.


Michael Peterson status
Feb 12, 2006
LB —> SF

Re: Paul Theroux’s new book On the Plain of Snakes
Can’t remember if it was this thread or another (due to the messed up pages on long threads and shitty search function), but I want to say I remember you saying something along the lines of how it might be hard for an outsider to fully grasp Mexican culture/daily life/etc.
Was that you? If so, would you care to expand on that? Have you read the book? I’m almost halfway through the book and really enjoying it so far, but keep curiously thinking back to what was posted here.

Mahalo in advance.

I plan on reading Hotel Honolulu after.

Any suggestions for books about Hawai’i written by Hawaiian authors? Fiction or not.