***Official Impeachment Proceedings***


Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
This hasn't been used since the 1930s so it's unlikely that the practice will be revived.

Still......this post doesn't address any kind of legal defense or statement defending Trumby's abuses of power or criminal activities.
It doesn't need to. You don't counter wrongdoing with more wrondoing


Duke status
Jan 30, 2016
Urbana, Illinois

Sondland will also indicate that he was merely relaying Trump’s defense, which he had discussed with the president on a phone call before the text message:

Sondland plans to tell lawmakers he has no knowledge of whether the president was telling him the truth at that moment. “It’s only true that the president said it, not that it was the truth,” said the person familiar with Sondland’s planned testimony, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive diplomatic matters.
The person familiar with Sondland’s testimony said the ambassador “believed Trump at the time and on that basis passed along assurances” that Trump was not withholding military aid for political purposes.
But Sondland’s testimony will raise the possibility that Trump wasn’t truthful in his denial of a quid pro quo as well as an alternative scenario in which the president’s interest in the scheme soured at a time when his administration faced mounting scrutiny over why it was withholding about $400 million in security assistance to Ukraine and delaying a leader-level visit with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.
“Whether he’s deciding it’s getting too hot to handle and he backs off whatever his position really was a month earlier, I don’t know,” the person said of Sondland’s understanding.
Sondland is expected to say that for months before the Sept. 9 message, he worked at the direction of Rudolph W. Giuliani, Trump’s personal attorney, to secure what he would call in another text message the “deliverable” sought by Trump: a public statement from Ukraine that it would investigate corruption, including mentioning Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company, by name. In exchange for the statement, the president would grant Ukraine’s new president a coveted White House audience.

The other quote Trump and his defenders often point to is from Zelensky, who said he didn’t feel pressured in that July 25 phone call with Trump. Much like Sondland, though, Zelensky has an interest in playing down anything corrupt, because Ukraine relies on the United States. Zelensky can’t just come out and accuse Trump of doing something wrong. He also has a personal interest in not looking like Trump’s stooge, which he was at risk of after the rough transcript showed him apparently acceding to Trump’s requests to launch certain investigations.

The fact that these statements are at the core of the Trump defense shows just how little they are working with at this point. It’s simply difficult to argue that Trump didn’t, at the very least, toy with a quid pro quo, even if it might have been implicit.

In the tweet above, Trump indicated that he “would love to send Ambassador Sondland, a really good man and great American, to testify.”

It sounds as if that may not be the case anymore. Sondland’s impending testimony sounds like that of a man covering his own backside and knowing his apparent defense of Trump could quickly fall apart upon further examination.


Duke status
Feb 26, 2018
51 pages still no defenses of the indefensible just process complaints and projection.


Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
Stop and think about this for a second.

If a common citizen refuses to comply with a subpoena, they can and do go to jail.

Why should that be different for a politician? Why hold them to a different standard, above the law?
Staffers aren't politicans

Congress isn't a court


Duke status
May 11, 2009
in the bathroom
No, I don't believe in people being detained unless they have committed a crime.

Also, Congress is not a court.
So you know for a fact no crime has been committed?

But you realize that fact is irrelevant when given a subpoena right? You receive one and fail to comply, you’re going to jail innocent or not. It’s part of something called due process....

So all that screeching about all politicians and clerks being criminals was bs? Because apparently that MUZLIIMM is more about that then you are.


Duke status
Dec 17, 2008
So you know for a fact no crime has been committed?

But you realize that fact is irrelevant when given a subpoena right? You receive one and fail to comply, you’re going to jail innocent or not. It’s part of something called due process....

So all that screeching about all politicians and clerks being criminals was bs? Because apparently that MUZLIIMM is more about that then you are.
These are criminals holding a kangaroo court for other criminals. Does that make you feel better?

You're reaching here simply to be contrarian.

For the third time, Congress is not a court. I understand what subpoenas are, and the penalties for not complying in a court of law.

But the most laughable thing is that you're holding up Roz from Monsters Inc as some kind of hero. Do you think she'd be acting the same if it was her team?


Duke status
Apr 22, 2001
South coast OR
This is AGAIN becoming an "investigation needing a crime", instead of the usual "crime needing an investigation".

But what's new with the straw grasping desperate Dems?
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